Following a recent tree removal, lot/land clearing project, or looking to regain property space an old stump has vacated; Roufs Forestry Services has an array of equipment and grinders to address your particular job appropriately and restore the visual effects and usable space of your property.

When it comes to mowing, landscaping, or new building projects, stumps can be a nuisance. The two types of extractions we offer at RFS are Grinding and Complete Removal.

Grinding the least invasive and most cost effective way to “rid” of a stump. By grinding the the wood fibers and mixing with the soil, this method provides a layout for new grass growth or your next landscaping project. Need a large quantity of stumps removed and don’t want the ground disturbance of an excavator or like equipment? RFS owns a larger grinder as well and can address a large area of stumps with proficiency.

Complete removal of a stump is an appropriate and expeditious option for building site preparation or clearing for a new driveway. By ridding of the stump completely in comparison to leaving wood mixed fibers associated with grinding, complete removal enables for a more desirable fill material option such as dirt or rock to make for a better foundation.