From kindling and bundles for the enjoyment around a campfire at the cabin, to half and full cords to heat your home on cold nights, RFS offers seasoned and ready to burn quality products.

Nothing beats time around the camp fire on a 4th of July evening or being gathered around a warm fireplace with the family during Christmas. At RFS we strive to not only be your one-stop-shop for all your tree service needs, but to prioritize keeping our supply of premium firewood and bundles available when your occasion needs them.

  • We make sure to purchase our logs for processing from local area loggers to alleviate the spread of tree killing insects or diseases.

  • We purchase logs in bulk every year to be processed and sold 2 years later. This ensures our customers will receive the most dry, best quality product they can.

  • Delivery as well as on-site pick up is available.